Sunday, January 5, 2020

What makes Digital Marketing fails?

Traditional Marketing is still a key business success ways in many parts of countries, no wonder there businesses are although going usual in a traditional way. Although many will unacceptable to get themselves out of their comfort zone or may be risk due social influences, but personally I feel its always best to think out of the box.

Year by year new technologies and methodologies are coming up which is making an individual task simpler and quiet beneficial as well. End of the day your saving lots of time and energy too.

Lets get into what exactly am trying to say here is digital marketing has taken over traditional marketing strategies. No wonder we can see the results right around us. However we still see small scale or mid sized business complaining of not getting the increase in sales despite of opting the digital strategies.

Below are few reason WHY despite of Opting Digital Marketing, the failure is touching your feet:

  1. Right Digital Marketing Expert : This is applicable for both small and large scale organization. There are many agencies/individuals provides services at throw away prices to attract you. However the delivery of the service and maintenance fails you.
  2. Paid Traffic : To seek more attention or followers to account/website many do the mistake of increasing them by getting those traffic on Paid basis. Its understood, no one cares to understand what or who you are. Nobody cares to  understand your proposal. This anyhow isn't going to feature you increase your sales. Have thorough strategies, and keep marketing your genuine contents(blog/video). This is create interest in people to know more about your services and hence genuine traffic will lead.
  3. Poor Strategic Approach : Theoretically, many will show the report of having good leads and designs with versatile marketing strategies, but has it really created any difference for which your paying the services? I highly doubt that, experts generally will have a strategic approach with their teams to maintain relationship digitally with world. Each client has its unique approach and hence the targeted audience will be updated digitally.
  4. Poor Quality of Team/Knowledge : Each strategy needs an expert who can handle thorough implementation. However when the team is inadequate, the results are by default expected to fail. Having a detailed understanding and qualified team is very important to expect to successful results. And results are more vivid when business grows rapidly and not just by increasing false reports.
There is no rocket science to understand why digital market has become so important to increase in Business Growth. Its personally advise to understand the concept of Digital Marketing first and then decide which is an adequate team to do so.